B2B 2019 - a walk for suicide awareness
Day 1 - Thursday 28th March - Beechworth to Everton
Day 2 - Friday 29th March - Everton to Myrtleford
Day 3 - Saturday 30th March - Myrtleford to Bright (finish)
Whether you want to walk for one day, two, or all three, you can meet other survivors and share your story, remember loved ones, or reflect quietly along the beautiful Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail.
Here's everything you need to know!
BYO essentials eg. drinking water, sunscreen, snacks, hat, raincoat, toiletries.
Get yourself organised - transport from finish lines, transport to start lines, dinner & accommodation - this is up to you.
Some transport suggestions:
Enlist a friend to collect you and drop you back at your car.
Leave a car at the finish line ahead of time,
Catch public transport - V-Line timetables: www.vline.com.au/Timetables/Additional-pages/Timetable-list
Get Ready! Although not rated a hard walk, it is a LONG walk. Follow the training schedule as donated by Valeo Movement Academy in Wangaratta posted on our Facebook page every Wednesday.
Day 1 - Thursday 28th March - Beechworth to Everton - 19.5kms
Starting Point: Murray to the Mountains sign on Albert Road, Beechworth (opposite Chinese Gardens).
Meet at 8am for 8.30 start.
Breakfast: TBC - fuel up beforehand
Lunch: Everton Railway Station (16km mark) provided by Beechworth Rotary Club
School children finish here & travel back by bus.
Finish Line: Everton Hotel - limited shuttle bus from Everton finish line to Myrtleford.
Dinner: $25 per person on a set menu at the Myrtleford Hotel motel if you book ahead and mention the B2B walk. www.myrtlefordhotelmotel.com.au/contact
Alternatively, explore the many dinner options in the High Country at www.feasthighcountry.com.au
Accommodation: If you're too far from home, there are plenty of accommodation options in Beechworth, Everton, Bright and Myrtleford. Accommodation and transport are not included in walk registrations - so you can stay wherever you please. The B2B crew are staying in Myrtleford.
Everton accommodation options
Camping behind hotel – contact hotel to book (03) 5727 0232
Everton Caravan and Tourist Park (03) 5727 0365
Day 2 - Friday 29th March - Everton to Myrtleford - 25kms
Starting Point: Everton Hotel - meet from 7am for 8:30am step off.
Meet at 8am for 8.30 start.
If staying in Myrtleford and need a ride to Everton, meet at Myrtleford Hotel at 7am for bus transport to Everton. - LIMITED
Breakfast: DIY at Myrtleford's many cafe or bakery options or BYO
Lunch: Provided by Myrtleford Rotary Club at the grassy spot near the entrance to Gapsted Wines on the rail trail.
Finish Line: Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail, at the corner of Queen Street and Rayner Street, Myrtleford (opposite Coles).
Dinner: $25 per person on a set menu at the Myrtleford Hotel motel if you book ahead and mention the B2B walk. www.myrtlefordhotelmotel.com.au/contact
Alternatively, explore the many dinner options in the High Country at www.feasthighcountry.com.au
Accommodation: If you're too far from home, there are plenty of accommodation options in Beechworth, Everton, Bright and Myrtleford. Accommodation and transport are not included in walk registrations - so you can stay wherever you please. The B2B crew is staying in Myrtleford & having dinner at the Myrtleford Hotel.
Day 3 - Saturday 30th March - Myrtleford to Bright (finish)
Starting Point: Murray to the Mountains Rail Trail, at the corner of Queen Street and Rayner Street, Myrtleford (opposite Coles).
Meet from 7am for breakfast, or from 8am for an 8.30 start.
Breakfast: Provided by Myrtleford Lions Club from 7am at starting point.
Lunch: At the 15km mark near Eurobin Station, provided by Bright Rotary
Finish Line: Howitt Park Bridge, Bright.
Accommodation: If you're too far from home, there are plenty of accommodation options in Beechworth, Everton, Bright and Myrtleford. Accommodation and transport are not included in walk registrations - so you can stay wherever you please. The B2B crew are returning home after the Day 3 finish line - but feel free to stay and enjoy the High Country!